Project not Rendering anything but gray

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.1


Why wont anything render correctly? When i run my project, everything is gray and lifeless, and i cant fin out why!

Some screenshot would help to solve your problem :slight_smile:

After runing

Can you show a print of this scene in the editor?

Please go through the Environment and post-processing page in the documentation, most notably the section about the preview environment at the top. You need to add the preview environment from the editor as a node so that it’s visible in the running project.

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This, You just need a nice skybox to light things up



For what you’re trying, instead of using CSGBox3D, use a MeshInstance3D, set the mesh to being a BoxMesh, then set a surface material override. Then you can set things like the Albedo on the material to change it’s color. Give that a go.

Its an option in the worldenviroment.

You can see the “sky” option in this screenshot