TileMapLayer and Area2D collision RID checking throwing errors but working?

Godot Version

4.3 stable


Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve been using the new TileMapLayer nodes, and I’ve got a physics layer on each placed cell to detect collisions with an Aread2D on the player.

I then use _on_body_shape_entered() to detect collisions, and run TileMapLayer.get_coords_for_body_rid(body_rid) to detect cells that are inside the area. However, even though this works, I’m getting thousands of errors in the debugger:

I looked into the Godot source, and it seems to be related to this section in tile_map_layer.cpp:

Vector2i TileMapLayer::get_coords_for_body_rid(RID p_physics_body) const {
	const Vector2i *found = bodies_coords.getptr(p_physics_body);
	ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(found, Vector2i());
	return *found;

At a guess, it’s looking for a p_physics_body and not finding one, and calling ERR_FAIL_NULL_V with no found parameter, and giving an error. I tried adding:

if not tiles.has_body_rid(body_rid): return

before the get_coords call to stop it checking RID on a cell that’s empty or not in the tile map, but it’s not catching it there. I suppose it’s working fine, but what am I doing wrong to be throwing so many errors with each collision detection?