Trying to place grass around around a river node (efficiently)

So far I’ve set up a scene where the game will duplicate these river nodes wherever the player goes, and I’m trying to add some grass tiles around each river node as a background.
I followed this guys tutorial
and ended up with this piece of code

extends TileMapLayer

var grid_size = 7
var atlas_coords = Vector2(0, 0)

func _ready():
	for x in grid_size:
		for y in grid_size:
			set_cell(Vector2i(0, 0), 0, atlas_coords, 0)

but instead of setting the tile grass like this:
it only spawns one tile of grass.
How do I fix this?
or do I have to manually place each piece of grass. ( - _ ; )

(btw sorry if I don’t reply, it’s almost time for me to sleep as of posting this.)

So, your problem is you never change your atlas_coord variable

Try something like this.

extends TileMapLayer

var grid_size := 7
var atlas_coords : Vector2

func _ready():
	for x in grid_size:
		for y in grid_size:
#this should change atlas_coords 
#between (0,0) and (7,7)
            atlas_coords = Vector2(x - 1,y - 1)
			set_cell(Vector2i(0, 0), 0, atlas_coords, 0)

However, that won’t work either since your (0,0) coord isn’t your top left, but rather where the one grass tile spawned. So, what I wrote will spawn those tiles 7 tiles from that one tile right and down.

What you really need to do rather than just arbitrarily creating grid_size. Is find the rect2 of the tilemap layer you want to populate that and cycle through its coords.

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